IMA thanks you for all the support throughout 2023, and we are so proud of everyone’s growth and development throughout the year. Have an amazing Holiday Season!

Get all the news!!
We will now be sending out monthly update emails that highlight everything that is to come in the coming month so you can stay up to date.
For quick news, and dojo specials PLEASE follow us on our Instagram and Facebook under @ima_hqdojo
Upcoming dates:
Here is what to look forward to in the coming month and dates to plan around!
Next testing: January 20th will be our next belt testing. Be on the lookout for physical and electronic forms for your child!
Instructor Training: January 13th from 12:30pm-2:30pm for instructors of all levels- we will begin having these trainings every quarter. PLEASE RSVP to Sensei Kamran
Christmas Break
The dojo will be closed from Sunday December 25th- Monday January 1st – All normal scheduled classes will resume January 2nd. We hope everyone has an amazing Holiday.
Terms Updates:
Payments: As most of you received there will be a 5% increase tuition increase starting January 2024 to $195. We will be offering more incentive programs to also work around costs of testing and memberships: please keep a look out!
Club programs: New to 2024, there will be club programs with incentives starting Q2: We offered these various clubs to benefit the students at the dojo who want more out of there Karate experience, and we look forward to bringing them back- more details soon!
Giveaways: Starting next week we will have new fun giveaways that will offer free lessons, discounts, and prizes for students to build our community even more.
- For more daily updates be sure to follow our Instagram and Facebook! @ima_hqdojo
- We appreciate all the comments and collaborations over the year. We strive to make your family’s karate experience the best one and aim for only the highest quality of instruction while maintaining the values of our Dojo Kun. Thank you for a successful year 33 and here is to an amazing 34!