News & Events

June 2014 Newsletter

A Note from Mr. M

This month we had a lot of exciting events which started with the IMA 19th Annual outstanding championship on May 4th. Then, we had our first IMA championship in Iran on May 23rd in Tehran, with three countries: Hong Kong, South Korea, and Iran (please see the pictures on pages 4-8). Shihan Madani and I were invited to Iran to give several seminars and open an official IMA office. We also added three dojos as members.

This month also, we had a very large group of kyu testers for the end of the school year. Thank you to our senior instructors, Sensei Meyer, Sensei Prud’Homme, Sensei McCormick, Sensei Lynch, Sensei Debbie Keyek-Franssen and several Senpai who helped with the kyu test examinations since my wife and I were in Iran.

Click this link to download the full PDF version of the June 2014 newsletter.

20th Annual Rocky Mountain Karate Camp

The International MartialArts Association would like to invite you and your students to our 20th Annual Rocky Mountain Gasshuku (camp) the weekend of October 3-5, 2014. This year, we are very excited to be returning “home” to The Inn at SilverCreek, in Granby, Colorado.


Gasshuku is a traditional retreat designed to allow a karate-ka to focus on training without the daily distractions that interrupt the learning process. By participating in this camp, you will refine your technique and gain a more in-depth understanding of martial arts.

This year’s theme is “Be Faithful” and, like last year’s camp, all levels of karate-ka camp participants may participate, free of extra charge, in a family friendly tournament on Sunday.

Training will be held in four separate training areas with guest instructors and students from the United States and other countries. Please refer to the training schedule for specific levels and training times.

This camp is open to all martial arts students, coaches, and instructors who wish to learn traditional and sport karate. Please feel free to call 303-665-0339 or contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. Mail your application to: 1340 Main Street, Louisville, CO 80027, USA by September 29, 2014.

Our traditional dinner will take place on Saturday, October 4th. Join your fellow karate-ka and their families for a fun-filled, lively evening.

We look forward to sharing this time to train and bond with our karate family and friends.

Click on this link for the Gasshuku brochure and registration form.

Kyu Belt Testing on Saturday, May 17, 2014

belt progression for IMA Karate in Louisville, ColoradoThe Dojo will be closed for regular classes on Saturday, May 17th for Kyu Belt Testing.

  • If your current belt level is white through orange/white stripe, your testing time is 9:30am.
  • If your current belt level is full orange belt (and up), your testing time is 11:30am.

All students who are testing must be at the Dojo at least 15 minutes prior to your testing time.

If you or your child are testing, please pick up an application at the Dojo and return it no later than Thursday, May 15th. Applications will not be accepted on testing day.

Please check your Student Handbook and visit our Belt Testing Guidelines for additional information about how to prepare for your test.

May 2014 Newsletter

A Note from Mr. M

I would like to congratulate all the competitors who competed in the Rocky Mountain Championship (IMA World Championship) on May 4, 2014, from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Northern California, Southern California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin, and from other countries, El Salvador and Venezuela.

I am honored and proud to congratulate Mr. Patrick Richoux for being awarded 7th dan, the first in our IMA history, as well as the title of “Kyoshi”. Kyoshi Richoux has over 45 years of martial arts experience and has been with IMA close to 20 years. His dojo is located in Houston, Texas.

Also, a special thank you to our national and international referees, and our staff who came together to make this championship the greatest ever.

Click this link to download the full PDF version of the May 2014 newsletter.

Another Successful Rocky Mountain Championship!

A heartfelt thank you goes out to all of the competitors, referees, volunteers and families who made our 19th Annual Rocky Mountain Championship a great success!


We had over 300 competitors from the United States (including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Northern California, Southern California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin) as well as some international competitors from El Salvador and Venezuela!

Over 50 nationally and internationally ranked, high level referees and more than 30 hard working, faithful, volunteers made sure the tournament ran smoothly for a gym packed full of excited, supportive families.


Our event could not happen without every single one of you, and we sincerely and humbly thank you for your presence. Looking forward to seeing you all again next year!