News & Events

Kyu Belt Testing on Saturday, June 23, 2012

belt progression for IMA Karate in Louisville, ColoradoThe Dojo will be closed for regular classes on Saturday, June 23rd for Kyu Belt Testing.

  • If your current belt level is white through green/white stripe, your testing time is 9:30am.
  • If your current belt level is full green belt (and up), your testing time is 11:30am.

All students who are testing must be at the Dojo at least 15 minutes prior to your testing time.

If you or your child are testing, please pick up an application at the Dojo and return it no later than Thursday, June 21st. Applications will not be accepted on testing day.

Please check your Student Handbook and visit our Belt Testing Guidelines for additional information about how to prepare for your test.

2012 Utah State Karate Championship – June 16, 2012

Park City Karate is once again hosting the 2012 Utah State Championship and State Qualifier in Park City, Utah on June 16, 2012.

The tournament will be held at Ecker Hill Middle School and will be open to all karate competitors to compete in kata, kumite or kobudo.

There will be a referee seminar on June 15th at 4:00pm for those who are interested to upgrade or renew their referee license and also a kumite seminar instructed by Mr. Tom Scott from the USA karate national team at 6:00pm. Both seminars will be held at the Park City Karate Dojo, located at 1680 Ute Blvd in Park City, UT.

Please visit for on-line registration for the tournament, and or contact Mr. Brody Burns at 469-233-0968 for all other information.

2012 Rocky Mountain State Games

Once again, Hanshi Cyrus Madani and Sensei Faye Madani of IMA Karate are hosting the karate tournament at the 2012 Rocky Mountain State Games. The Rocky Mountain State Games is a multi-sport festival for Colorado citizens of all ages and athletic abilities including physically disabled, visually impaired and Paralympic athletes.

Recognized by the National Congress of State Games, a member of the United States Olympic Committee, the 2012 Rocky Mountain State Games will be held July 20-22 & 27-29, in Colorado Springs.

The USANKF-sanctioned karate competition is being held on Saturday, July 28th.

The competition site is the Big House Sports Complex, located at 2660 Vickers Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 (719) 599-7260. (Take I-25 to exit 149 Woodman Rd. Keep right and merge onto E Woodman Rd. Turn Right onto N Academy Blvd then turn Left onto Vickers Dr.)

Early Registration ends on July 13 and fees are $50 for the first event and $10 for each additional event. After early registration ends, fees are $60 for the first event and $10 for each additional event.

The Pre-registration deadline is 5:00 pm MDT on July 25. Day of event registration costs $10 more per event.

Information about the competition and the link to register is available on the Colorado Rocky Mountain State Games website.

Note: On Friday, July 27 from 6-9pm there is also a USA Karate Referee Audit Course & Certification. Please see the website for more details

Kyu Belt Testing on Saturday, May 19, 2012

belt progression for IMA Karate in Louisville, ColoradoThe Dojo will be closed for regular classes on Saturday, May 19th for Belt Testing.

  • If your current belt level is white through green/white stripe, your testing time is 9:30am.
  • If your current belt level is full green belt (and up), your testing time is 11:30am.

All students who are testing must be at the Dojo at least 15 minutes prior to your testing time.

If you or your child are testing, please pick up an application at the Dojo and return it no later than Thursday, May 17th. Applications will not be accepted on testing day.

Please check your Student Handbook and visit our Belt Testing Guidelines for additional information about how to prepare for your test.

The 2012 Rocky Mountain Championship Karate Tournament Was a Great Success

Thank you for everyone’s support of the 16th anniversary of the Rocky Mountain Championship! This year’s tournament was a USA Karate National Qualifier as well as the US Team selection for the World University championships.

Over 30 people participated in the Referee Course held on May 5th and almost 350 participants from Venezuela, New York, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona and Colorado participated in the tournament on May 6th!

The competition started at 9:00am sharp at Monarch High School and, thanks to countless hours of work done by the volunteers and officials, was wrapped up by 7:00pm. The presence of many certified USA Karate Referees and international officials enforced the quality and fairness of the competition and resulted to only one minor injury.

IMA wants to thank all of our in-state and out-of-state guests and sensei who added value with their presence at the competition. Our special thanks also goes to: Coach Tokey Hill, Coach Dustin Baldis, USA Karate CEO Mr. Jake Lease, USA Karate Advisor Mr. Luke St. Onge, Sensei Clay Morton, Sensei Brody Burns, Sensei Dale Gatchalian, Sensei Senthil Thiyagarajan, Sensei Mario Perez, Shihan Patrick Richoux, Sensei Eliseo Campos and many other USA Karate certified officials.

Last but not least, a big thanks goes out to all of the I.M.A. members who made this championship another successful event! Thank you from the bottom our hearts for being there as scorekeepers, runners, officials, helpers, competitors, etc. Your presence and support means a lot and without it, I.M.A. – and our annual tournament – would not be the same!

Please mark your calendar for next year’s championship on: May 4-5, 2013!

We have an online photo album going with pictures from the Rocky Mountain Championship karate tournament. To view photos that are already in the album, click on the link below. We expect more photos to be added over the next week, so check back again!

This is a group album with photos from many people. If you have good photos from the day, please add them.

To upload a few photos:
Create an email to [email protected]
Subject line must be exactly : Rocky Mountain Championship Karate
Attach the photos to the email and hit ‘Send’

To upload many photos:
Send an email to [email protected] requesting access. She will send you an invitation to share the album; you may then upload photos directly to the album. You will need to create a Google account if you do not already have one.