News & Events

October 2014 Newsletter

A Note from Mr. M

The 20th Annual Rocky Mountain Gasshuku was a huge success for our karate family, with more participants as compared to last year. I am glad to be back to our original location, remembering all the good memories.

We had a lot of fun with excellent instruction. Adding an extra group to our program was very helpful for our black belts 40+ years young. Each of our five groups had the privilege of learning from all five instructors.

I would like to thank our students and instructors for making this 20th Annual Rocky Mountain Gasshuku extremely successful.

Thank you to Sensei Amadou and Sensei Marius for inviting me to Utah to give my annual seminars. The seminars were full, and it was obvious everyone improved in their technical skills from the year before (pictures on page 7).

Click this link to download the full PDF version of the October 2014 newsletter.

Thank You to Everyone Who Participated in the 20th Annual Rocky Mountain Gasshuku

2014 Gasshuku Group Picture
For our 20th Annual Rocky Mountain Gasshuku, we returned to the Inn at Silvercreek in Granby, Colorado; home of our first gasshuku and the many years that followed. Mother Nature smiled upon our return providing participants from several dojos in Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Missouri, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, South Carolina and Florida with beautiful weather for training. On Friday and Saturday, students worked hard learning new kata, sparring and self-defense drills. Saturday evening was a warm gathering of close to 160 students and their families and instructors for dinner, a talent show, and dancing. Our family-friendly kumite tournament on Sunday gave the students an opportunity to try out the new techniques they learned.

IMA would like to extend a sincere, heartfelt thank you to all the students, parents, out-of-state senseis and participants, USA National Karate team coaches Dustin Baldis, Tommy Hood and Akira Fukuda, and IMA’s very own Hanshi Madani, Shihan Madani and Kyoshi Richoux for their efforts in making this the best camp ever.

If you missed this year’s camp, be sure to mark your calendars for next year: October 2 to 4, 2015.

20th Annual Rocky Mountain Karate Camp

The International MartialArts Association would like to invite you and your students to our 20th Annual Rocky Mountain Gasshuku (camp) the weekend of October 3-5, 2014. This year, we are very excited to be returning “home” to The Inn at SilverCreek, in Granby, Colorado.


Gasshuku is a traditional retreat designed to allow a karate-ka to focus on training without the daily distractions that interrupt the learning process. By participating in this camp, you will refine your technique and gain a more in-depth understanding of martial arts.

This year’s theme is “Be Faithful” and, like last year’s camp, all levels of karate-ka camp participants may participate, free of extra charge, in a family friendly tournament on Sunday.

Training will be held in four separate training areas with guest instructors and students from the United States and other countries. Please refer to the training schedule for specific levels and training times.

This camp is open to all martial arts students, coaches, and instructors who wish to learn traditional and sport karate. Please feel free to call 303-665-0339 or contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. Mail your application to: 1340 Main Street, Louisville, CO 80027, USA by September 29, 2014.

Our traditional dinner will take place on Saturday, October 4th. Join your fellow karate-ka and their families for a fun-filled, lively evening.

We look forward to sharing this time to train and bond with our karate family and friends.

Click on this link for the Gasshuku brochure and registration form.

September 2014 Newsletter

A Note from Mr. M

Summer is over and schools and universities have started for the year 2014-15. I would like to wish all of our students the best of success. I recommend that you keep up your training, because karate helps you to focus on your studying.

Also, I would like congratulate our three athletes who participated in the Jr. Pan American Championship in Lima Peru: Ewan Albright, Kamran Madani and Kuba Wasowicz. They did an excellent job with many difficult matches. Congratulations to Kamran Madani for medaling in this championship (see page 3).

Click this link to download the full PDF version of the September 2014 newsletter.

Shout out for Ewan Albright, Kamran Madani, and Kuba Wasowicz

Shout out and welcome home to Ewan Albright and Kamran Madani from the Honbu dojo, and Eusebiucz (Kuba) Wasowicz from IMA Goshin Ryu for their fine performance at the 2014 Pan American Championship in Lima, Peru this past weekend. We are very proud of all of you! A special congratulations goes out to Kamran Madani for winning the Bronze medal.
Panamerican Kamran and Ewan