The 2021 Rocky Mountain International Championship will be held on April 17-18, in Westminster, (Marriott Hotel Ballroom) Colorado, USA. Please log in to the web site for all information and registration. Due to state safety restrictions, we have extended the days of the competition to two days to comply with these safety measurements. There will be changes […]
Dear members and parents, The recent spike in virus cases in our state has come with the importance of following new restricted guidelines. Luckily, our dojo space has allowed us to keep distance from each other while still being able to provide instruction to all students. We have also increased the number of online instructors […]
The decades best
The new chapter of “Karate’s Decades Best” comes this Friday to WKF YouTube channel. It presents one of the most thrilling finals in the recent history of the Karate World Championships. WKF’s “Karate’s Decades Best” reviews the most spectacular bouts of the last five World Championships. In the second chapter of episode 2 of “Karate’s […]
2020 Gasshuku
2020 Gasshuku will take place on October 10th at IMA HQ and Zoom. We will be celebrating the 26th anniversary of Gasshuku in a totally different environment than previous years. This is our first in-person (& zoom) event since the start of the pandemic, and we look forward to your participation to keep the event […]
Black Belt Testing
Black Belt Dan Testing on June 27th! Join us on June 27th, in the open space across from the dojo, as we once again celebrate those junior and senior IMA students who will be testing for their next level of black belt. The Dan testing will start at 8:30am and will last until about 2:00pm. […]