I am very proud to congratulate the 33 karate-ka from Colorado, Utah, New York and Missouri who tested on January 25th for Jr. black belt to sixth degree black belt. It was an awesome dan testing with a lot of hard work and a huge celebration at night. I would like to wish all of you the best of health and continued success in the future (See the pictures on the following pages).
Also, I would like to remind the IMA family and our colleagues about the IMA World Championship from May 3 to 4. As always we will have five rings with competitors from beginner to elite and nationally and internationally licensed referees. I am looking forward to seeing all of you at this special event.
Finally, I would like to congratulate our karate-kas who were awarded the new titles of Senpai, Sensei and Shihan on January 25th.
Click this link to download the full PDF version of the February 2014 newsletter.